Saturday, April 4, 2009

DLF - Stock Investments

About The company
DLF is the giant of Indian realty sector and has been the most admired promoter well known for its quality in work and the experience they hold.

About the present situation of the sector

The reality sector is the one , who is worst hit in this slowdown. The promoting company has to face many challenges , thereby losing the considerable part of the total income earned in the past rally. Either new projects are not launched , who were scheduled to be inaugurated and those who has already in process has negligible speed in the work progress due to lack of realization of installment and excess cancellation of bookings.

DLF Nightmare

Almost 300 buyers, who had backed out of DLF’s ‘Garden City’ project in Chennai, refused to leave its premises till they got a written assurance that their money would be paid back in full. The total number of exiters from the project was 580 out of its existing base of 1,800 customers and DLF was to give a letter outlining the timeline of refund. But people just continued waiting and and finally patience wore off and angry people refused to leave DLF premises until they got the refund letters.

DLF has now assured them that the formal refund letter addressed individually to the exiters would be given by April first and the process of full refund will commence from 1st April, 2009, and will be completed before 30 September, 2009. The priority of disbursement shall be based on the order of first exit letters received and will be intimated by 10th April 2009. Times are indeed bad but it seems to be the worst phase for realty developers.

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